Category Archives: Uncategorized

Drinking and Driving and Naturalizing and Voting…

Drinking and Driving and Naturalizing and Voting… by John F. Di Leo January 25, 2018 Have you ever driven when you were drunk? I mean, I haven’t, so don’t worry about me… I’m just asking about you. I’ve never driven […]

American Presidents, Through the Years

By John F. Di Leo January 20, 2018 A.D. Reflections on Presidents and the Presidency, on Inauguration Day President George Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789, but not by choice. He had been in town, ready to take office, […]

JFD’s Analogy of the Day

JFD’s Analogy of the Day: You select someone who never set foot in medical school and has only been in hospitals to visit friends who were patients, or to have lunch with friends who are doctors…   …to perform open-heart […]

Learning from the First Stimulus

Learning from the First Stimulus by John F. Di Leo Our new president says that we need to spend our way out of the current recession – that, contrary to Republican opinion, the most important thing isn’t the contents of […]

An American Chancellor’s Two Anniversaries

An American Chancellor’s Two Anniversaries by John F. Di Leo – April 30, 2015 A.D. Interesting trivia for today: What do the inauguration of George Washington and the Louisiana Purchase have in common? On April 30, 1789, the newly elected […]

Ronald Reagan and a Nation at Work

Ronald Reagan and a Nation at Work By John F. Di Leo –  Reflections on the days when a labor leader led our nation, on the great man’s birthday… As the author writes this column, dozens of ships, each one […]

Who We Are… And Who Barack Obama Is Not

Who We Are… and Who Barack Obama Is Not by John F. Di Leo The current Resident of the White House is fond of stating something of which he disapproves – say, interrogating terrorists or growing the economy – and […]