Primary Choices and General Repercussions

Lessons to Learn from Campaign Yard Signs by John F. Di Leo September 24, 2018 A.D.   Driving through Wisconsin this weekend, I saw yard signs.  Lots and lots of yard signs. Wisconsin Republicans are energized.  With eight years of […]

Celebrating our Constitution, Remembering our Heritage

by John F. Di Leo Reflections on Constitution Day September 17, 2018 A.D. On September 17, 1787, thirty-nine of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention got together for one final time, to sign the final document before sending it out […]

Chicago Prepares to Move On

Chicago Prepares to Move On By John F. Di Leo  September 7, 2018 A.D. Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a past congressman and White House chief of staff, unexpectedly announced this week that he is not running for a third term. […]