Of Pipelines and Alliances: President Trump at NATO

Of Pipelines and Alliances: President Trump at NATO by John F. Di Leo July 16, 2018 A.D. During the July 2018 NATO summit, elements of the USA newsmedia focused on President Trump’s accurate attacks on Western Europe’s contradictory actions and […]

George Washington, Inspiration in the Face of Danger

George Washington, Inspiration in the Face of Danger by John F. Di Leo July 4, 2016 A.D. Reflections on our Commander in Chief in New York, as Congress debated the Declaration in Philadelphia… At the end of March, 1776, following […]

The Marquis de Lafayette, Inspiration of the Centuries

The Marquis de Lafayette, Inspiration of the Centuries by John F. Di Leo June 27, 2018 A.D. On July 4, 1917, General Pershing’s American Expeditionary Force arrived in France, the advance team of what was to become a million-man force […]

Free Trade, Fair Trade, and the Question of the Year

Free Trade, Fair Trade, and the Question of the Year by John F. Di Leo June 22, 2018 A.D.   International trade has always been in the news.  Business reporters talk about a trade deficit, politicians wail about jobs being […]

The Magna Carta and the Path to Freedom

The Magna Carta and the Path to Freedom by John F. Di Leo June 15, 2018 A.D.   On June 15, 1215 A.D., King John of England affixed his seal to the Magna Carta, and the world was changed. While […]

Mayor Rahm and the “Right” to Pre-Kindergarten

Mayor Rahm and the “Right” to Pre-Kindergarten by John F. Di Leo June 1, 2018 A.D. On May 31, Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced a plan to bring free universal all-day pre-kindergarten to all the people of Chicago. The local […]

Nourished by the Blood of Patriots

Nourished by the Blood of Patriots by John F. Di Leo May 28, 2018 A.D. Reflections on American Heroes, for this Memorial Day… John Laurens John Laurens was raised in privilege – for his time – in South Carolina. As the […]