Big Government Works Great… But for Whom?

Big Government Works Great… But for Whom? by John F. Di Leo Ever since the Depression-era enlargement of the Leviathan, successfully marketed as the “New Deal,” conservatives have argued against proposed government programs by shouting “They’re Unconstitutional!” and “They Don’t […]

It Depends… On What the Meaning of “Republican” Is.

It Depends… On What the Meaning of “Republican” Is. Reflections on truth in advertising… By John F. Di Leo –  Almost twenty years ago, American philologists were treated to an amazing statement in the political realm: then-President Bill Clinton answered […]

Shaking Hands with the Devil, From Ninety Miles Away

Shaking Hands with the Devil, From Ninety Miles Away Reflections on the Resident’s unilateral decision to re-open diplomatic channels with Cuba… by John F. Di Leo   A long time ago, on an island not too far away, a pair […]

Josef Stalin and the Problem of Political Opposition

Josef Stalin and the Problem of Political Opposition Reflections on the anniversary of the announcement of Dekulakization by John F. Di Leo In the Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers declared the only legitimate purpose of government: “We hold these […]

Governance is Not for the Squeamish.

Governance is Not for the Squeamish. Reflections on Ferguson, the Schools, the Minimum Wage, and the Assault on American Employers by John F. Di Leo In the old country, life was predictable. If your father was a farmer, so were you. […]